Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday's Film: Milk Maid Braids

This darling pin has been floating around Pinterest and we just love the idea!
A CUP OF JO: Motherhood Mondays: Heidi braids with a bow
You can find the direct link to that pin here.
We've done a video on this hairstyle and we had a bit of a variation at the end because my princess has VERY long hair.
You can see that it's really easy and super fast for such a cute style!
We chose not to have our ribbon show as much as in the original instructions but that's totally up to you when you do the style.
This shows how we just bobby pinned our side up.
My princess was very excited about this hairstyle because we saw it on Pinterest and I think it turned out pretty cute!


Tape Hair Extensions said...

Thank you, that’s very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.
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Elle - See Mom Work Blog said...

This is what I've been wanting to do to my daughters' hair, but hadn't figured it out yet. Very cool!

By the way, are you not blogging anymore?? Or did you move??

Elle - See Mom Work
"All work and no play makes mommy a disgruntled chick."

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