Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Film: Inside Out Bun

Today's video is something a little new.  I decided to introduce myself to you and let my princess speak a little bit because sometimes the videos get a little redundant and it's nice to see the face behind the styles.  :) 
This hairstyle is called "Inside Out Bun" and it's basically one bun inside another.  The center bun is created using a bun mold and the outer bun is creating using Barrel Rolls. 
It's fairly simple but you do want to be sure that you're working with wet hair because that will make all the difference!'
Here's a picture of the finished product. 
The Barrel Rolls around the outside can be made as small or as large as you like. 
Make sure you have plenty of bobby pins handy to secure all your pieces.
You can see that the bun also resembles a flower a bit. 
It was fun introducing ourselves to you and we hope that you continue to enjoy our posts and our videos.  :)