Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday's Film: Clover

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  We wanted to post a video on our Clover hairstyle before the big day and this is our last opportunity to do it.
I apologize for the small slip up on the left side of the clover but I fixed it after filming and you can see the outcome in the pictures below.
Here's a picture of how we did the top of her hair since it was hard to see in the video.
Once you've creates the three sides of your clover you will join them together with an elastic. 
Then go ahead and pull the rest of the hair down to the nape of the neck - including the new ponytail from your clover - and secure it all into an elastic.   
We finished it off with a Quad Braid and some cute hair clips.
She was all festive for her day at school and now her hair was ready to go too!


  1. Absolutely lovely! One of the prettiest styles I've seen for St.Patrick's Day. But I guess as a 23-y.o. I cannot pull that off anymore. Oh well green rubber bands again for me next year. ^^
