Friday, June 17, 2011

Flashback Friday: Locks of Love

My daughter has donated her hair twice to Locks of Love but these pictures are from her first time. 
 Her bangs had finally grown to a nice length and she wanted to do something different with her hair so we decided to chop the length off and even it all out with those bangs. 
She was a little sad at first to see it all gone but as soon as we went home and styled it she was fine. 
We flipped all of her ends out with a mid-sized curling iron and the bang area up and clipped it back with two bendy clips creating and "X".  She looked so cute and the length looked great on her. 
 She was very happy to know that her hair was going to someone that could really use it and couldn't wait until she had enough to donate it again!


  1. Lock of Love is such a wonderful charity. I love that your daughter enjoys donating! ~Val

  2. My girls have all given hair to locks of love. My middle daughter just got her hair cut very short and donated it all again.

  3. the short hair really suits her :) would love to do this but my hair seems to have stopped growing just below my shoulders and i'm not sure if there's a charity like Locks of Love in ireland!

  4. She's almost due for her next cut so we'll keep yu posted! :)
