Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Time!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  My daughter was building turkeys out of pipe cleaners for our napkin rings for dinner and we decided to try a turkey in her hair.  As I was getting ready to upload the pictures I saw this one over at Babes in Hairland.  It's almost exactly the same turkey was too funny!  I like how hers has braids though.
We started by pulling some hair from the top half of the head back into a small elastic and creating an Odango Bun.  The are simply made by twisting a section of hair tightly and then wrapping it around itself until the bun starts to grow tall. 
Now Pull the rest of the hair up into a ponytail and create a bun using a bun mold.  Braid the excess hair and wrap it around the mold and then secure it with bobby pins. 
I also bobby pinned the Odango Bun to the bun mold so that it looks like a head on top of a body.
Choose as many different colors of pipe cleaners as you like and cut them in half for the feathers.  Also cut some yellow or orange for the legs and beak.
Spread them out above the head and body and just poke the ends of the pipe cleaners into the head and they will hold.  We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving from our family to yours!


  1. I love this turkey. I saw the one on babes in hairland first then started looking deeper for more turkeys and found yours. My daughter is wearing one tomorrow for school!!!

  2. I just came across your blog this morning and I wish I had a little girl myself to do these on. but I will be doing some on myself. but I am sharing your blog with all my friends that are mommies and just big girls that want to try different things, of course some are more complicated to do on one self but there are some easy ones and I am willing to try and might just have to borrow my god daughter and or roommates daughter

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