Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Church Curls

Here's a really simple hairstyle that's great for those times when you want something a little more elegant. 
Start by separating a section of hair about 1/2 inch thick along the bang line.  Now grab your favorite headband and slip it into the hair just behind that divided section. 
Divide the section of hair into two pieces making sure that one is larger than the other. 
 Start with the smaller side and create a French Twist (a Corkscrew that gathers hair as it grows) with the first part of the hair and then move into a Corkscrew.  Have your princess hold it while you move to the other side. 
 Because this section is larger, you will divide it in half and create two Corkscrews.  The top Corkscrew will begin with a French Twist as well but the bottom will just be a Corkscrew alone. 
Pull all three Corkscrews to the back of the head and join them together with an elastic.  We finished off the look by adding curls with a ringlet curling iron.  We sprayed it really well for hold and her hair was beautiful all day long.


  1. This is so pretty! I'm adding this one to my list of styles I want to try. Thanks!

  2. Very pretty, and super simple, making it a great go to church, even when it starts at 9 and your child likes to wake up between 8 and 8:30.
    Can I make a suggestion? Would you be willing to put a google search box for your blog? I know I saw a few styles I want to try, but I forgot to bookmark them, and it would be loads easier to just search your blog. Thanks!

  3. Beth - that's a great idea! I'm slow with computer thing but I'll try to go get it figured out right now! Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Just wanted to let you know I gave you a blogger award (I'm loving this blog!):

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