Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday's Film: Knotted Ladder

We have had several requests for a tutorial on this hairstyle:
This picture was sent to me from one of our friends on Facebook and  absolutely love the style.  I wish I knew it's origin so I could give credit where credit is due. You'll notice how complete perfect this picture above looks.  Well, mine was not as great (this was my first attempt) but I'm sure it will get better with practice.  :) 
 Something very important that I wish I had been better with is making sure to hold the strand tightly so they don't loosen up.  You will see that ours loosened a bit and I was kicking myself that I wasn't more careful about that.  
I should have kept my add-in strands smaller like in the example picture and then I would have had more crossing hairs as well.  
I started our hairstyle a bit farther back on the head than in the example but you can do it however you like.
To finish it off I simply wrapped a small strand of hair over the elastic to conceal it and then poked a Topsy Tail through the elastic, threaded that strand through it, and pulled in in tightly so that it was secure.
It's a very beautiful hairstyle and hopefully this tutorial helps those of you that were looking for some instruction!


  1. Thank you soo much! my friend will be thrilled! as am I!

  2. I think you should write how to do it. My stupid internet will not let me watch youtube videos. Please help.
